I use EEG, fMRI and psychophysics to investigate the neural mechanisms involved in consciousness, with special emphasis on the contribution of decision making (including confidence/metacognition), perception, attention and working memory to conscious experience. In my current research line we attempt to dissociate decision bias from perceptual experience using computational modeling. In particular we are interested in the question whether different types of criterion shifts (e.g. caused by statistical regularities / base-rate, monetary incentives / payoff, and perceptual cues) result in changes in conscious visual experience, or are merely strategic to maximize reward in an uncertain environment. In addition, I have recently acquired a grant from the Templeton foundation to test whether previous claims of extensive unconscious cognition may be overstated by making use of a novel Bayesian statistical framework. I have special expertise in EEG, for which I have developed the ADAM toolbox that implements decoding and forward modeling of EEG data. I collaborate closely with Simon van Gaal, together in the Conscious Brain Lab at the department of Brain and Cognition of the University of Amsterdam.
Johannes Fahrenfort | Assistant Professor at the Department of Experimental and Applied Psychology Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Van der Boechorststraat 1 | room 1B-69 | 1081BT | Amsterdam | the Netherlands