To download the ADAM toolbox, please leave your e-mail, and institution below, after which you will be forwarded to the download site. I will only use this information to keep track of the user base of the toolbox, so that I can inform you if I run into major bugs that may have adversely impacted previous analyses. Although I do my utmost best to keep the toolbox free from bugs, downloading and using it is at your own risk. I do not accept responsibility or liability for errors, bugs, or any damages incurred by them. Please refer to the GPL license included with the package for details. I largely developed and maintain the toolbox by myself (Johannes Fahrenfort), so support is very limited. Note that the toolbox currently does not work well with the latest versions of FieldTrip, see under Requirements on the ADAM Github page for which versions it is known to support. If none of these conditions bother you, please go ahead and download using the form below. Otherwise, click here to go back to where you came from.